Sometimes when you grep or rg through a codebase among many others you get a search result that is a huge one-liner and shadows other search results moving them out of the screen.
Recently I discovered dropwhile and takewhile functions from itertools. It’s quite common problem within a given project to extract lines from a file starting with lines A, B and C.
For several years already, I have been using a manjaro distro with an i3 tiling windows manager on my home tower.
Recently there was a need to create a set of files based on a csv file. Assume you have a csv file with comma as a separator that has a structure like this:
While creating a model or simply working in jupyter-notebook sometimes there is a need of an overview of variables in the memory.
Recently I stumbled upon a problem that pandas.read_csv() changed its date parsing behaviour in version 2.0.0. Long story short there was a need to have an environment specific csv reading method calls.
If you try to check for np.nan or None using pandas isna() to get a bool, that is either True or False.
While searching for something else in Wasserman stumbled upon Legendre polynomials and decided to have a look at visual representation of it.
As you may have guessed from the title, this blog is currently deployed on netlify. As they claim in order to integrate a given theme one should add it as a submodule:
As of writing this post I am not sure how the structure and content in this blog will look like. I will integrate my thing along the process of writing.