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Environment specific method calls

Recently I stumbled upon a problem that pandas.read_csv() changed its date parsing behaviour in version 2.0.0. Long story short there was a need to have an environment specific csv reading method calls. As it turns out there is a neat way to reach that behaviour via a core utility packaging. In production we have pandas version specified in a compatible release clause while in other places strict and newer version is present. We need these steps to set up a universal flow:

  1. Create specifier set that will match ~= versions
  2. Parse given environment package version
  3. Compare above 2 and do the mehtod call accordingly.

Long story short we need to have these lines to have environment specific method call:

from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
from packaging.version import Version

ver = Version(pd.__version__)
if ver in SpecifierSet("~=1.3.5"):
    print("We are in the first environment with the older version of pandas.")
    print("We are in the second environment with newer version of pandas.")

Elegant, no?

P.S. We know that we can’t have older than 1.3.5 version of pandas anywhere.